Fun Facts About Christmas

Dec 18, 2020 | CELEBRATIONS

As the year draws to a close, millions of people around the globe celebrate around flickering lights, sparkling decorations, merry music, tasty food, and exciting holiday cards and gifts. That is because… Christmas is just around the corner!

But how much do you know about this long-awaited holiday? There’s more to Christmas than religious rituals such as carols and special church services.

In this post, we’ll look at all kinds of Christmas trivia, some historical, some humorous, and others just plain fun. Use these jolly bite-sized facts as icebreakers or conversation starters at family parties or friends’ reunion, and I’m sure they love to know the history of everything that makes Christmas so special.

Do you know any other peculiar Christmas facts, customs or legends? Please share them with me, I’m always hungry for new information!

Happy Holidays!

Photo credits: Getty Images, Pinterest, The Guardian


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