9 words about: Travel
Thank you for coming back! I hope you’ve enjoyed the summer vibes so far. If you’re thinking about how to celebrate the summertime, why not treat yourself to a weekend getaway or a family vacation? Maybe travel can inspire you to do something you’ve been mulling over,...

9 words about: Movies
Hi there, Summer is finally here, and I hope you can take time to unwind. Whatever you do, you deserve regular breaks to recharge before carrying on with your commitments. One of my favorite ways to relax is enjoying a good movie, and ‘Doctor Strange 2’ has inspired...

9 Idioms about: Animals
You may know that English speakers use idioms to make the language more colorful, and animal idioms are no exception. Today, I’m sharing with you some idioms based on animals that are fun to learn and good for your vocabulary too. Have a look at my list of...

Earth Hour: Did you know?
Hi there, Thank you for stopping by! We live on a beautiful and unique planet, and it is the only planet in the universe that supports life. Yet, human activities are putting our shared home at risk, giving rise to the idea of Earth Hour. Now, Earth Hour 2022 is...

9 words about: Russia-Ukraine War
You’ve probably heard about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine via mainstream media over the last couple of weeks. Though I’m still trying to make sense of what’s been happening, I strongly believe violence or gunfire should have never taken place regardless. The world has...

Made from/ Made of/ Made out of/ Made with
Hello again! Have you ever been confused about whether to use ‘made from’ or ‘made of’? You may also see people use ‘made out of’ and ‘made with’ from time to time, so what is the difference among these four phrases? In today’s post, I will help you demystify when to...

Fun facts about Valentine’s Day
We hear it again and again: Valentine’s Day is all about candle-lit romantic dinners and yummy heart-shaped desserts. It hasn’t always been, though. Let’s discover fascinating tidbits about this love-centric holiday. No matter how you and your significant other...

Tet Holiday 101
As Tết nears in Vietnam, I believe there could be no better time to learn the possible unknowns about the most important celebration in our culture. What excites me about Tết is I get the chance to revisit my homeland where the majority of my extended family members...

A Year of Positive Thinking
Hi friends, How have you been during the past year? I hope that no matter where you are in the world, you are doing well. That no matter how difficult things turn out to be, you are still able to see light within the darkness. Over the years, I’ve learned life lessons...

Glossary: Climate Change
As the name suggests, climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. We are experiencing climate change in diverse ways; it affects our health, safety, housing, work, and ability to grow food. Some of us are already more vulnerable to...
“I really feel like I lived my whole life searching for who it is that I am, what it is that I value, and what I’m supposed to do with those two things, and I found it [my true calling] in teaching.”
get some more ...