IELTS Listening: Plan/ Map/ Diagram Labeling



Source: Cambridge IELTS 11, Test 2 – Listening, Section 2, Questions 17 – 20

Source: Cambridge IELTS 12, Test 8 – Listening, Section 2, Questions 15 – 20

Source: Cambridge IELTS 9, Test 4 – Listening, Section 2, Questions 11 – 13

Strategies & Tips:

  1. Look at the title of the plan/ map/ diagram to form a general idea of the content
  2. For plan/ map:
      • Seek for the entrance; this is usually the starting point
      • Look through the given labels (doors, foyer, street name, etc)
      • Think about locational relationships between the given labels and missing places (next to/ adjacent to, in front of, behind, opposite, between … and …, in the corner, etc)

    Familiarize yourself with directions (north = up, south = down, east = right, west = left, north-east = top-right corner, north-west = top-left corner, south-east = bottom-right corner, southwest = bottom-left corner, turn left/ right, go straight ahead, just past, etc)

  3. For diagram:
    • Pay careful attention to the order of the questions (top-down, bottom-up, clockwise, counter-clockwise, or zigzag)
    • Notice the shape of each component/ part (rectangular, square, circular, pipe-like, oval, etc)
    • Examine the relationship between the missing components and given labels (under/ below, above, behind, at the top/ bottom, halfway down, in the center, to the left, in the bottom right-hand corner, etc)
    • Listen for:
      • Names of components (known as, called, referred to as, etc)
      • Functions (this component/ part is used for …, press this button to …, etc)
      • Instructions (you have to switch on/ off … in order to …, etc)
  4. Label the plan/ map/ diagram as you listen


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