My experience at Vietnam Mountain Marathon 2018, Sapa

My experience at Vietnam Mountain Marathon 2018, Sapa

September 25, 2018 Months ago when I told people that I was running for a 42km trail at the Vietnam Mountain Marathon (VMM) in Sapa this year, they gave me a perplexed look as if trying to say, “Why would you ever want to run a marathon? What’s the point? Why do you...

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Go Green

Go Green

Go green 🌱 #stainlesssteeltumbler #rainbowsalad

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Heavily ingrained in the Swedish psyche, lagom, which means “neither too much nor too little – just enough”, is about striking a healthy balance in every aspect of life—from work and leisure to family and food, and everything in between without having to make sweeping changes, and without denying ourselves anything.

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Lean In

Lean In

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go through life if I were a man. “Life would be much easier,” my mother has guaranteed. If being a boy does present a competitive edge, what goes wrong with being a girl? Does being a boy necessarily translate into greater happiness and success?

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I used to fear rejection after being turned down for every job I applied for, inducing me to doubt my self-worth. The subconscious voice kept telling me that I wasn’t good enough, that I was too small and inadequate to make an impact in this world.

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Smartphone Detox

Smartphone Detox

I’ve been watching my phone usage over the past few months. Although I’ve managed to have my screen time cut down week by week, I still catch myself reaching my phone and lurking on social media more than necessary. Here is what I’ve been doing to ease the screen...

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Less Plastic – Minimal Waste

Less Plastic – Minimal Waste

Vietnam ranks among top five Asian countries that discharge the highest volume of plastic, contributing to 8 million tons of plastic waste in oceans each year. So what should we do to become more conscious consumers? Below are my humble suggestions: If you’re...

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Who moved my cheese

Who moved my cheese

I’ve heard about this book – “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Dr Spencer Johnson – for ages in the self-help industry. Some people said it was such a childish story that they got nothing out of the book. Others loved it. All seemed to know about it.

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Where do you fall on the introvert–extrovert spectrum? Our place on this continuum influences our choice of friends and mates, the careers we choose, and how we make conversations, resolve conflicts, and show affection.

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“I really feel like I lived my whole life searching for who it is that I am, what it is that I value, and what I’m supposed to do with those two things, and I found it [my true calling] in teaching.”


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