9 Idioms about: Books

9 Idioms about: Books

Welcome back to the ‘9 Idioms about’ series! I hope you find today’s post as useful as usual. Happy learning! Photo credits: Iris Reading, iStock, JSTOR Daily, Michigan Health, Music and Sunshine, Speaking of English, The Write Life, Trinity P3, Wonderbly, Working...

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Glossary: Leafy greens

Glossary: Leafy greens

If you’re a fan of green veggies or on the way to adopting a healthy diet, then this post is for you. Vegetables, combined with a balanced eating regimen, can do wonders for your health. Today I’m sharing with you the names of the most common leafy greens in our meals...

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School is back and I hope you’ve had a great start. Today, let’s learn the differences between American vs. British vocabulary for education in English. Photo credits: British Council, Canva, Career India, Dribbble, Everest Education, Genesis School, KUTV, MooreCo,...

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9 words about: Mid-Autumn Festival

9 words about: Mid-Autumn Festival

This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival is probably like no others. The festive atmosphere that typically characterizes Hanoi’s Hang Ma Street or Saigon’s Nguyen Hue Walking Street, brightly lit with lanterns and other accoutrements around this time, is clearly absent. That...

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9 Idioms about: School

9 Idioms about: School

It’s school time again. While students in some places around the world are stuffing their backpacks with new school supplies, others find themselves in blended learning approach or online settings due to the Covid-19 pandemic. No matter where your classroom is,...

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English Idioms with Numbers

English Idioms with Numbers

Here are twelve common English idioms with numbers. Make a note of any idioms that you have never seen before (or for which you think there isn’t a translation in Vietnamese). Also, comment below if you know any other idioms using numbers.  Photo credits: Envato...

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Even if you don’t care much about sports, you’re probably aware that the Tokyo Olympics 2020 are finally happening in Japan, a whole year after they were meant to take place! People are watching and rooting for the best athletes who train for years to give their all...

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Adjectives: Describe Food Taste

Adjectives: Describe Food Taste

Hello, Vocabulary series is back, and today I’d like to share with you some descriptive adjectives when it comes to food taste. Scrolling down the infographic, you probably see the first few words are already familiar while you tend not to use those in the latter half...

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English through Movies: Shanghai Calling

English through Movies: Shanghai Calling

Hello again, Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you’re all safe and healthy no matter where you are.  Saigon, where I’m currently living, has experienced large-scale lockdowns due to the fourth wave of COVID-19 since early May. Instead of being controlled...

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9 words about: Roles in football team

9 words about: Roles in football team

Hello there, If you read newspapers and follow social networking sites, you probably agree with me that there has been extensive media coverage of Euro 2020 over the recent days. In Vietnam, our people have also been celebrating the fact that the national football...

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“I really feel like I lived my whole life searching for who it is that I am, what it is that I value, and what I’m supposed to do with those two things, and I found it [my true calling] in teaching.”


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